Power & Alignment
/ˈpaʊər ænd əˈlaɪnmənt/
An innate strength that comprises of mind, breath, and body.
The capability to create a balanced relationship with the whole being.
Power & Alignment (P&A)
A hatha vinyasa yoga practice that draws from our innate strength to create a harmonious relationship with the whole being and support and enrich modern-day living.
A synthesis of heart-opening yoga practices and psychological science, P&A goes beyond intelligent sequencing and yoga postural alignment and focuses on developing our well-being. Based on a curriculum approach, P&A incorporates a set of essential components, including an embodied practice through specific alignment principles and techniques to develop body awareness and connect more deeply to the mind-body-breath connection. Collectively, these components are designed to evoke a mindful and uplifting effect, guiding students towards a “work in.” Through repeated practice, the intention is for practitioners to feel empowered to navigate modern-day living with an underlying sense of peace and joy.
“Power & Alignment is a very mindfully led class that is able to resonate with me from the inside, slowly becoming into a routine that guides and encourages me towards a much safer and stronger practice. I always leave the class feeling more grounded and revitalised.”